Wednesday, June 21, 2006

A Dawning

He is Alive!

This post is actually to supplement my Easter post.

The great recollection of the miraculous Easter/Ressurection story is found in all the Gospels (Matthew 28, Mark 16, Luke 24 and John 20) and it tells of how our Lord Jesus conquered death and hell and emerged victorious, proving to all the world that He is what He claims to be: God Himself.

The odd thing is that even though He mentions it several times in the Gospels to His disciples (see for example Mark 8:31 and Luke 18: 32 - 33), they were all so surprised when it happened (and some even lost hope and returned to their hometowns and to their lives before it all began, after the crucifixion).

This reminds me of ... me.

Given that God has spoken and reassured me many times through His Word, other people and circumstances of His precious promises and that He will answer prayers, sometimes I can be forgetful and start to wonder. And I would actually be amazed sometimes when He answers prayers (eventhough His Word says He will). Oh, for that extra measure of faith! It is such a blessing that our Lord Jesus is gracious. Amen.

The stained glass

This beautiful image picturing God the Father, God the Son and God the Spirit was made by our very creative sister, Charmaine. It reminded me of cathedrals of old.

There is something very mesmerising about stained glass, something very archaic, something very fragile but at the same time resonant with strength. The myriad of colours coming together in perfect harmony and the beauty and power of pure sunlight filtering through them is ... hypnotic. If you have been to any cathedral or church with a stained glass you would understand.

Anyhow, if you remember in one of the stations, the worshipper was asked to write a love message to God? Look at the bottom. There they are ...

Glory to God in the highest! Victory belongs to our God!

The cross at the centre of the church hall

The cross you see before you stood at the centre of the church hall during our MSW. It was, in the sense, a focal point for people to gather and hear a message of God's love and grace during the worship service. Time to time, a bell would ring (sounds cathedral-ly) and the worshippers and guests would be asked to gather at the centre of the hall to hear some words of encouragement.

There was a story of some pieces of wood that were used differently for God's glory. Have a look at Lik Ee's blogpage for a recollection.

All in all, our MSW was an eye opening one. I hope you had a time of refreshing and a time of renewing. Please do come and visit the next time we have one. Keep posted on this site. I will inform all.

God be praised and blessed.

God bless you all.

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