Friday, November 30, 2007

Tas-Mania Pt 2

The days in Tassie went by quite quickly, but that was because I was enjoying myself. There are so many things to relate, but I think I will just highlight them. The pictures that I took from my visit are on my Multiply site (, so please feel free to have a look:

University of Tasmania

I was finally able to see firsthand our twinning partner. UTas is one of the oldest and largest universities (so I understand) in Australia but the law school was anything but old. The campus is colossal and the law school is confined to a corner, bordering the residential areas of Sandy Bay, Hobart. As we arrived, we were greeted by Prof Margaret for a short discussion and then were ushered into Dr Gail's (one of my moderators) classes: Law of the Oceans. I received a warm welcome and an introduction in front of the lecture theatre (wow ... felt really nice). After that it was off to the cosy law faculty lounge where we were served morning tea and all sorts of biscuits, cakes and pie ... yummy. During my visit, this is what I remember: I had good chats and lunches and dinners with my moderators (Ken, Dr Lisa and Dr Gail) and other lecturers that I had met before (John and Michael), ate loads of great food and wine, visited Dr Gail's lovely home and had a great evening with her family (and superb seafood, food and wine), spent good times with my ex students, took a tour of the campus (courtesy of my ex boss: Patrick Foong), visited Salamanca market (an experience that can only be appreciated if you are there), tricked (haha) by my students to visit Zoo Doo (an um interactive zoo where the emus and osctriches and all sorts of towering animals 'assault' you for food), walked around Hobart city and had home cooked meals too (thanks all). I really praise Jesus for His grace and love and generousity. Also I visited Energizer Life Church.

P.S: hehe ... do pay attention to the food pictures I took. It's no wonder I gained about 3 kgs. Hahah ... and that was only the tip of the proverbial iceberg, as Sydney was also a gastronomical adventure in itself.

So please feel free to check out the pictures. Here are a few below. I think there are 400 plus at my Mulitply. :)

Jesus bless you all.

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